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Perhaps a forgotten (or neglected) market

I feel like I owe an apology.

I, like many FitnessTrainers and Studio/Gym Owners and/or Operators have been recently impacted by Covid 19. As has everyone.

Government restrictions here in Australia saw Gyms and PT Studios forced to close their doors as Social Gathering Restrictions came into force. A few days later, the restrictions were made tighter, with outdoor training being restricted to just one on one training scenarios.

The Government restrictions were needed as the Covid-19 Pandemic raced across the world knowing know boundaries. What the restrictions did was to force us all in the industry to look to ways we could keep our business operating whilst keeping our clients active with their physical and mental health in check.

On-Line Training is where many of us turned, myself included.

In a short time, I was offering, like many Gyms, PT studios, and Fitness Trainers, on-line classes and video hook up Personal Training sessions. Live Classes are being held by Studio using Zoom, with participants being able to log in and join at a touch of a button.

Suddenly though, I was receiving feedback from Mums and Dads across the community, saying that they were loving the on-line LIVE classes and workouts put up on social media platforms as it meant they could participate regularly. They no longer had to miss classes or workouts because there was dinner to cook or no one to look after the children.

With the technology of Video Hook-up, the gym or studio had been brought into the lounge room and life in the house could carry on whilst Mum and /or Dad exercised. Sometimes the kids join in too.

So why, when the technology has been around before the last couple of weeks has the Fitness Industry been slow to implement or offer this service?

The market is there, for as mentioned, parents who can't leave the house early mornings or in the evenings; for the person who doesn't have transport options to get to a gym or studio; the person who perhaps doesn't have the confidence (yet) to step into a gym or studio.

Yet it has taken something like Covid-19 and the accompanying Government restrictions, for these people to be included in the gym/studio horizons. At least on a mass scale.

So from me, personally, I say sorry.

I'm sorry that in my 15 years of Fitness Training and Studio Ownership, I have not pursued a way or method to bring classes and my services to those who have not been in a position to physically use them.

But with my apology comes an assurance. An assurance that when Covid-19 passes and we as Fitness Trainers are allowed to open our doors to the public once again, I will not forget the ones who can't make it to my studio. I will continue to pursue to provide a service that will give the opportunity to everyone to take part in our exercise classes and workouts.

No one should miss out on that opportunity. Stay safe and well everyone and remember to always be active.

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